Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More sundress to show

I can't stop making these sundress because I love the fabrics and patterns are so perfect for the summer.

American Girl Doll sundress

Summer is finally arrived. I made these cute sundress for my dolls. They looked fabulous!

Tutu skirts for my American Girl dolls

My American Girl dolls looked lovely with these custom made tutu skirts. The short tutu skirt is 7" long and the long one is about 12" long. It was a fun and quick project. Here are some pictures.

Monday, December 7, 2009

American Girl - Kit Kittredge

Kit Kittredge, 1934

Kit Kittredge faces the hard times of the early years of the Great Depression in Cincinnati, Ohio as her family struggles to adjust to the realities of the economy after her father's job loss. Introduced in 2000, Kit's full name is Margaret Mildred Kittredge, with Kit as a family nickname. Kit's core series of books was written by Valerie Tripp and illustrated by Walter Rane.

American Girl - Molly McIntire

Molly McIntire, 1944

Molly McIntire is a young girl living during the latter years of World War II. Her father is stationed in England as a doctor caring for wounded soldiers, and she must cope with the changes that the war has brought. Molly's series focuses on patriotism and the changes that come with wartime. Molly was one of the original three dolls offered by Pleasant Company and is the only doll to be sold with eyeglasses.

American Girl - Chrissa Maxwell, Gwen Thompson & Sonali

Girl of the year 2009

Chrissa's best friend - Gwen Thompson & Sonali

American Girl - Ruthie

Ruthie is Kit's best friend and her family is well-off. Ruthie adores fairy tales, idolizes movie stars, is generous, and often tries to help Kit but sometimes wounds her friend's pride instead. Her accompanying book, "Really Truly Ruthie" by author Valerie Tripp, is set in late December 1932 and showcases how Ruthie helps the Kittredge family save their home from foreclosure. Ruthie is the fifth doll in the Best Friends collection, released July 1, 2008 with a small collection in anticipation of the Kit movie.